Hi, I’m Giuseppe. My main field is computer science but i really like math and science in general. I like to study other sciences because it helps me to understand how different problems in different fields are formulated and solved. I’m obsessed with what i do, it’s the thing that gets me out of bed. I like problems that are related to philosophical questions on intelligence, existence and counsciousness. My favorite part of solving a problem is the formulation of the problem. I think that a well stated problem is already solved.

I don’t have a degree. I left the university because it was more of a slowdown for my education as the courses used 20 years old techs (c++98, no new approaches to artificial intelligence and the courses were really bad in my personal opinion). Since i’m a self learner, most of my knowledge is based on online courses, books and conferences. Most of the time, i study from courses when i need an overview of a field and then i proceed to go in depth with multiple books. All courses that are mentioned in the Formation page are available on Youtube. The courses/books marked as (current) are the things that i’m studying now.
This approach allowed me to develop a mental flexibility to study new things (potentially different from my field) in a short time and adapt to new situations quickly. Even though my main field (and my first love) is computer science, i started to study other sciences like chemistry and neuroscience because i would like to go in depth in fields like biology and neuroscience to try to apply my computer science knownledge to these fields. I’m curious about the idea that consciousness, behavior and intelligence can arise from a set of cells.